Business Income & Extra Expense Coverage

Business Income

No one ever wants to think about their company sustaining lasting damage. Not thinking about it still doesn’t prevent it from happening, however. When it does, it can often be catastrophic. Don’t let damage hold you back from keeping your business afloat. Business Income and Extra Expense Coverage through Insurance420 is one way to cover your company when you need to take time off to get back up to speed.


Do I need business income and extra expense coverage?

There are no legal regulations that require you to have business coverage. However, not having it can leave you vulnerable in the event of a business emergency that lasts longer than the time it takes to replace a window. Our recommendation is to work with us to find the insurance policies that cover your company the best way possible. We’ll help you determine whether business income and extra expense coverage is worth your consideration.


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Will business income and extra expense coverage cover all my business needs in the event of an emergency? 

It only covers the needs that aren’t already covered by an alternate insurance policy, like medical, general liability, or equipment coverage. To have those things covered, you will need additional policies. However, working with a trusted insurance agent here at Insurance420 can help you save on these policies by offering packages that bundle separate coverage plans together.