Cannabis & Marijuana Insurance Quote

Looking for cannabis and marijuana insurance? We specialize in providing insurance for cannabis, marijuana dispensaries and also the for marijuana growing/cultivation facilities. Get your free cannabis and marijuana insurance quote today at Insurance420.

Insurance420 Medical Marijuana Insurance

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Product liability insurance is still an evolving area in the cannabis industry, but it is good to at least consider adding product liability to your insurance plan. 

A general liability package covers your company in the event of property damage, personal injury, bodily injury, copyright infringement, libel, and slander.

Worker’s compensation is limited to your own employees and will only cover injuries and illnesses that your employees suffer.

Property insurance addresses some of the risks associated with running a business.

A general liability package covers your company in the event of property damage, personal injury, bodily injury, copyright infringement, libel, and slander.

Business Income and Extra Expense Coverage through Insurance420 is one way to cover your company when you need to take time off to get back up to speed.

Not all insurance policies are created equal. When it comes down to it, many insurance policies do not cover equipment, even if it is vital to the operation of a company.

Shipment and transportation are common departments within these businesses, and auto insurance usually covers damage caused to vehicles and people involved in transportation.

Cannabis crops are susceptible to the same variables that food, flowers, or other plant industry crops are susceptible to.