Cargo Insurance For Cannabis Business

Motor Truck Cargo Insurance for cannabis business and dispensaries. Protect you and your business with our free insurance quote today at Insurance420!

What is Motor Truck Cargo Insurance?

Most cannabis companies are not “all-in-one” companies. Shipment and transportation are common departments within these businesses, and auto insurance usually covers damage caused to vehicles and people involved in transportation. However, it does not always cover the product that is being shipped. For that, you’ll need cargo insurance


Insurance420 works with companies who ship their cannabis strains to provide the ultimate coverage for their product, from the moment it leaves its origination to the time it gets to the loading dock.

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What exactly does cargo insurance cover?

Cargo insurance is specific to any product in transit, which means it covers anything being transported for or by your business. This can include theft, vandalism, or damage due to an accident or any other cause.

Do I need cargo insurance if the company I hire to transport has it?

Our recommendation would be yes. Different insurance policies cover different things. In the case of cannabis, some transport companies will not cover the loss of cannabis-related items, assuming they have considered the need to acquire more specialized insurance for cannabis-related items at all.

How can I get the best rate on my cargo insurance?

Most insurance rates are considered based on factors that are out of your control. However, working with a dedicated insurance agent, like the ones available at Insurance420, means that you get the coverage that fits best with your unique needs and your budget.